Friday, September 12, 2008

Doa Penerang Hati

I would like to share with ya'll today a doa which i practiced everytime after my daily prayers, which i tot mite be of use to ya'll.. Anyway, this doa was tot by our dear Ustaz Wan, in case any of u has missed it. The doa is "Ya Allah, limpahkan lah daku dgn ilmu pengetahuan, dan indahkanlah dadaku dgn sifat lapang dada, dan muliakan lah daku dgn ketaqwaan dan cantikkan daku dgn kesihatan' A very good and effective doa this is if you said it in full faith. So, let's all not forget the one source of power that has the biggest effect on us all. Regards.

1 comment:

CrasherX a.k.a IwanX said...

Alhamdulillah...... Terang hati kite :)